
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

End of Year Notes & Information

Hello Everyone!

WOW! This year has FLOWN by!!! I can't believe we only have 5 more days of school...

I have a few pieces of information for you for the end of the year. Please read everything so you don't miss any dates or info!

Teach the Teacher Presentations
These are due this FRIDAY! If your child wants to turn in their papers tomorrow, that is fine. Please remember to send me any PowerPoints or papers for copying BY TOMORROW so I can have them ready for Friday! I have decided to not input this as a specific grade in the grade book, however I did let the kids know that if they do not present/fail to prepare something, they will receive an "N" for completes assigned tasks.

Thursday Folders
This will be the last Thursday Folder! This week when your child brings home their folder, please empty it/look at the papers, then just keep it at home!

Yearbooks have arrived and will be given out this Friday! If you did not order one and would like purchase a yearbook, we have some extras available for sale for $25. They will be sold starting on Monday, June 11th.

*We will be having our class party on Tuesday, June 12th in the afternoon. If your student would like to have their yearbook signed by classmates, please SEND THEIR YEARBOOK IN on this day! We will give them time to meet with other 3rd grade classes and sign eachothers' yearbooks. We will be having lunch in the room, then going outside for yearbook signing. We'll have a few fun activities in the classroom from about 1:30-2:20 that afternoon! Contact Mrs. Cruz if you would like to assist or volunteer.

Sad news - I will be leaving Pinebrook after this year
I talked to the kiddos about this yesterday, so you may have heard. I will be resigning at the end of this year. Since I am reaching the end of my School Counseling Masters program at GMU, I need to complete two internships as a counselor (one elementary, one secondary). Due to the time commitment of the internships, I am not able to work as a teacher.
I appreciate all the kind words from your kids when I told them this news. I am so very sad to be leaving - this was not an easy decision! However, I  am excited for the new adventures ahead of me. I will sincerely miss every one of my students. This has been such a wonderful year and I love them all very much! Thank you, parents and families, for all of your support throughout the year! I appreciate YOU as well!
Please stay in touch and let me know about your kiddos/families as they continue to grow and progress! If you would like, feel free to contact me to get my personal information, as my LCPS email will eventually go away.  I do plan to become a substitute, so I may still see you around Pinebrook at times!

Mrs. Malley :)

Monday, June 4, 2018

This Week

Hello All!

Here's the homework/things coming up this week!

Field Day is on Wednesday!
I asked the class to try to pack their lunch that day. If they need to buy or forget, that is fine. However, due to field day and needing to change out of dirty/wet clothing, lunch is often hectic this day. If they pack, we can eat lunch in our classroom when we are all set and ready to eat. This also eliminates long lines in the cafeteria that day, as 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade all have field day so lunches will be very packed.

Teach the Teacher
These presentations are due Friday! From all the topics I have been told, I am VERY excited for these presentations! Please remember to email or send in any papers you want copied or PowerPoints you need shown AHEAD OF TIME (ie: by Thursday at the latest!) so we are prepared to start presentations on Friday.
Don't forget to hand in your lesson plan paper as well! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Homework & Project

Hello All!

I hope everyone enjoyed the extra day this weekend. Too bad it wasn't that sunny... but the rain held out for the most part!

Teach The Teacher Project
Reminder that this is due on Friday, June 8th! Please talk tonight about what topic your child plans to teach so they can tell me what their topic is! If your student needs any copies made or help from me, please notify me and send in the item to be copied asap! Please see details from my last blog post about requirements, expectations, etc.

Math SOL Test
... is this THURSDAY morning! Please make sure to get good sleep tomorrow night and eat a good breakfast for our test that day! We will not eat snack until after the test is over.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Teach the Teacher Project

Hello All!

Today in your student's folder you'll find a paper that says "Teach the Teacher".

This is an end-of-year fun project where the students get to TEACH others about something they are passionate about! This project is meant to be fun, not stressful, and can be as simple or complex as your child would like to make it.

The paper says "5 min presentation" - This is mostly a guideline for the talking time. Their talking shouldn't go longer than 5 minutes, but the activity/involvement parts could take more time and that is OK.

This is DUE on FRIDAY, JUNE 8TH. This is meant to be a fun project, but it will be graded (for presentation and preparation). 

There are directions on the sheet, but to further explain, here is what I'm expecting:
1. Choose Topic:
The student picks something they already know about (this is not supposed to be a research project!)

  • Lots of options here - anything (appropriate) goes! How to ______, Making a ______, Steps to drawing a ________, All about ___________, Showing any activity/skill, etc. 

2. Present:
They may decide how they would like to present their information to the class. Be creative! Anything goes here... However, it has to be able to be shown/done in school. Ie: can't teach about how to play video games because we do not have them at school. Examples of how they can present: 

  • Speaking presentation & demonstration with props
  • Use a PowerPoint to assist during presentation
  • Make a video of self teaching the topic
  • Write a book about it and read it to the class
  • Any other things you can think of!
3. Materials:
They may use anything they can normally use in our classroom (art supplies, paper, markers, books, etc.) They are also welcome to bring in any supplies needed. If students would like any copies of papers, if they bring in one or email me one I can make copies of them for the class.

4. Participation:
The best presentations usually have some sort of class involvement. They can bring in materials for students to use to make their own, we can go outside to participate in an activity (weather permitting), whatever they need that we can provide at school!

5. Quiz:
The paper guideline asks for at least one "quiz" question. That's all that is required, but I have had other students make up their on "exit ticket" or quiz for students to answer, or do a verbal quiz after their presentation, etc. Again, I can make copies if they would like to do this! They usually have fun "grading" everyone - including my paper! - afterward.

Here is the paper if you need another copy, and here is a link to a digital version if they would like to type their information. 

Please let me know if you have questions! I look forward to learning from your kiddos!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

SOL Tomorrow!

Hello, All!

Just a reminder: Tomorrow is our first SOL test! It will be in the morning, so please make sure your kiddo is on time tomorrow so they can be with the class for morning routines, as well as a calming time before the test starts.

A couple of reminders/tips:
- Get a lot of rest tonight! Early to bed!
- Eat a FILLING breakfast! We will be taking the test over our normal snack time.
- Wear LAYERS! We have been having some fluctuating hot/cool temperatures in the building with the humidity and rain. I suggest wearing a sweater or sweat shirt that could be removed and put back on easily if needed.
- RELAX! Remind your student to just try their best! They are totally ready for this test.