
Monday, June 4, 2018

This Week

Hello All!

Here's the homework/things coming up this week!

Field Day is on Wednesday!
I asked the class to try to pack their lunch that day. If they need to buy or forget, that is fine. However, due to field day and needing to change out of dirty/wet clothing, lunch is often hectic this day. If they pack, we can eat lunch in our classroom when we are all set and ready to eat. This also eliminates long lines in the cafeteria that day, as 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade all have field day so lunches will be very packed.

Teach the Teacher
These presentations are due Friday! From all the topics I have been told, I am VERY excited for these presentations! Please remember to email or send in any papers you want copied or PowerPoints you need shown AHEAD OF TIME (ie: by Thursday at the latest!) so we are prepared to start presentations on Friday.
Don't forget to hand in your lesson plan paper as well!