
Monday, August 29, 2016

First Day of 3rd Grade!

Hello Families!


- What we did today
- Homework - All About Me Bag
- Parent papers in Home Folder


Wow! The first day is ALREADY over?! I can't believe it.

We had a fun day today! The class did very well with finding our room and starting their morning work this morning, and everyone remembered how they were getting home for dismissal!

Today we talked a lot about our feelings on the first day of school, and read the book "First Day Jitters" which the kiddos seemed to enjoy. They were all surprised to hear the ending - you'll have to ask them what happened!

Image result for first day jitters 

In the afternoon we went over some classroom routines and even got a little silly while acting out ways to NOT enter the classroom in the morning. It was a fun time!

Today I shared an "All About Ms. Strong" bag to help the students get to know me a little better. Your student also has an All About Me bag to do to share with the class! They have directions in their Home Folder. These are to be brought back on Wednesday so we can share with the class Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please make sure not to send in things that NEED to be at home at night (ie: valuable pieces, favorite stuffed animals that cannot be missing at bedtime, etc.) You can see an example of my bag below - see how much your 3rd grader can remember and ask them to tell you about me from the picture! :) 

Please also note that there are a few important papers in your child's Home Folder today. They were meant to go with your 1st Day Packet, but were not prepared when I sent those home at Open House.

I hope your kiddo had as much fun today as I did! I can't wait to see them all again tomorrow!

Ms. Strong :)