
Monday, December 19, 2016

School This Week & Break

Hello All!

I hope everyone stayed safe and warm on Saturday with all that ice! Yikes!

This week we have a few fun events going on at school!

Info for You:
- No new word study words: Word Study will resume the week of January 9th
- BYOT on Wednesday (bring headphones if possible!)
- I will give a reading "homework" on Wednesday - this is not mandatory, but will be optional for students who would like to participate and possibly earn a small prize :)
- Social Studies grades: You likely noticed on the interim reports emailed out to you that there were no Social Studies grades shown. We will be doing our Social Studies units when we return in January, as the Science units on habitats, adaptations, and food chains all go together.
- Winter break is Thursday, Dec. 22 - Monday, Jan. 2nd. Enjoy your break and New Year celebrations!

Outfit Fun
The teachers are wearing different "themed" outfits this week - your students are welcome to join in! Tomorrow is "tacky sweater day" (or ANY holiday/winter sweater), and Wednesday will be "holiday head gear" (make something to wear on your head out of gift wrap, antler headbands, etc.)

Monday (Today):
- Holidays Around The World: We rotated to different 3rd grade classrooms and learned about different holidays celebrated around the world. Ask your student what they learned today!

Tuesday, Dec. 19th
- Food Chains Quiz
- Mercer Middle School Band & Chorus visits in PM
*Holiday sweater day

Wednesday, Dec. 20th
- BYOT Day, with headphones if you have them!
- Holiday Sing-A-Long in PM
- Winter Reading Homework given -- BONUS, not mandatory.
*Holiday head-wear

I wish you all SAFE and happy travels and festivities over the break!