
Monday, March 13, 2017

Snow Day Info, Homework, Tests

**FYI: I sent home everyone's SOL Vocab Quiz from last week TODAY in your child's home folder. I wanted you to see one to see what it is like, since last week was the first one!


Hello All!

In case of snow day(s), please see your student's agenda for their homework for the week. We wrote in everything for the week so they knew what was coming up. Assuming we have a snow day or several, please have your student do the following:

Tuesday (1 snow day)
- Do SOL Vocab Tuesday Homework, Quiz will be Friday

- Study for Rome Test (test on Wednesday) -- Also, there are games/info here on my blog to practice Rome concepts (see sidebar to the right)

- Work on Critter Can animal (due March 28th)

- Do Reflex Math and/or any homework your math teacher gave you

- MY MATH CLASS: Math test will still be on Friday, 3/17

Wednesday, or More (2 or more snow days)

- Do all SOL Vocab homework for whatever days are missed - Quiz will still be Friday or next day in school

- Study for Rome Test - test will be Thursday or next day in school

- Work on Critter Can animal (this is due March 28th)

- Math: Do Reflex math and/or any homework your math teacher gave you

- MY MATH CLASS: Math test will be moved a day for each snow day. So, if we are out Wednesday, our test will be Monday. If we are out Thursday, our test will be Tuesday, etc.

Please see the snapshot here of our agenda, in case any students didn't write something down:

Please email me with any questions! Enjoy the snow!
Ms. Strong