
Monday, September 25, 2017

Picture Day & Homework

Hi Families,

Some notes for the week:

Picture Day - Tomorrow!
Please send your student to school ready for their picture tomorrow! You can fill out/bring in the picture form your student brought home this week, or order online. Our pictures will be before lunch, so don't worry about any messes. :)

My math class has a test this Wednesday! Don't forget to review using math notebook notes and study guide. Your student should also come home today with classwork to review from the unit.
Math homework this week is due WEDNESDAY (one day of Reflex), the day of the test. Use the homework to review!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Reminders/Dates and Mystery Readers

Hello All!

I hope that all family members or friends of yours are safe if they live in areas that experienced hurricanes. I also hope everyone is enjoying the start of some Fall weather and spending time outside!

Mystery Readers - your time has come! 
I finally set up a sign-up genius for you. I set one day each month for the reader to come, but if you need some flexibility with this we can work out a date/time that works for you as well. I just tried to space them out so it wasn't back to back readers. Plan on reading a book that will take roughly 10-15 minutes, and don't forget to think about things you may want to have the kiddos think about, discuss, or share!

The kids LOVE being read to, especially when you are enthusiastic and read with a lot of energy and expression! Friendly reminder: Practice reading your book at least once if you're not familiar with it!

To sign up to be a mystery reader, go to this link. It will automatically send you a reminder 2 days before in case you forget!

Reading Homework
Please remember that students should be reading every night! I have been conferencing with many students and notice that many of them are not logging that they read each night, and/or do not complete the homework. Even if it is just writing a sticky note, they are expected to do the assigned work. Keep in mind that each night they read they can (and are encouraged to!) write sticky notes about any of their thinking - it does not have to be only the nights I send home directions!

Sept. 14th - Believe Kids fundraiser opened! Please return any sales/packets to school.
Sept. 20th - Mrs. Baxter's math class Place Value Test
Sept. 22nd - I will submit our online Scholastic Book order on this day! Enter your order online ASAP if you're planning to buy books!
Sept. 27th - My math class Place Value Test
Sept. 20th - Fall Festival 4:00-7:00pm

Mrs. Malley :) 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Homework Info & Word Study

Hello All!

The kids told me today there was some confusion with homework so I wanted to clarify. I also have some more information about Reading and Word Study in case you are someone who had questions about either of those topics.

Word Study
Each night your student will bring home their word study notebook. This is for them to have the word cards they cut out in school, as well as the copy of the CORRECTLY sorted words we did together as a class. For homework, they need to study the spelling and sorting of their words. They do NOT need to write any of the activities in their notebook for homework. We do all of that in class. Of course if they WANT to do an extra activity for homework, go ahead!

This week we did a word list of commonly used/misspelled 3rd grade words, sorted by their syllables. Starting next week everyone will go to different word study classes on Mondays to be instructed on how to correctly sort their words and what they spelling patterns are. They again will switch into word study classes on Fridays to take their quiz. Otherwise, they will do the daily word study activities in our classroom.

Every night your student should be reading. They should log their pages every day in their Reading Life log folder. If there is a "reading worksheet", it is often directions about a sticky note to write or thought prompts/discussion for after reading.

Yes, yet again I forgot to give out the reading homework directions last night! ARGH! I promise I'll get better at that. So, tonight they have the homework instructions in their reading log folder, and I will pass out the others tomorrow and Thursday since we missed a day.

This is what your student should be doing for homework this week, updated here to show the missed Monday Reading homework.

Friday, September 8, 2017

ASEP After School Clubs/Classes

Hello Families,

ASEP Classes
This paper should have been sent home today. It is the list of ASEP clubs/classes that are being offered this fall.

Registration runs from TONIGHT at 8:00pm - Tuesday, September 19th. ASEP will begin the week of September 25th.

To register and pay, go to If you have never used this website, you will need to sign up and create an account (free).

To see the flyer, you can go to our PeachJar link and view the first and second pages (they are separate files on Peach Jar - one has information, one has class names/prices).

If you have questions about any of this, contact Michele Leffler at

Other Notes
- We did NOT have all Thursday folders returned :( Maybe next week!
- I plan to put up a Mystery Reader sign-up soon. Be on the look out for that if you're interested.
- If anyone has families in southern states, send good thoughts their way.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Malley :) 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thursday Folders & Dates

Hello Everyone!

You'll see in your student's bag today that they have their first Thursday Folder! This is how I will typically sent home any graded work, as well as any other paperwork from the school, PTA, etc.

This week's folder should have:
- Third Grade Newsletter for September
- Our class list
- Spirit Wear information
- Scholastic Books order (you can order online using our class code!)
- LCPS Zoning information for the new elementary school
- NNAT testing information from Mrs. Ciardiello

You may have your kiddo bugging you to make sure their Thursday Folder is emptied and returned by the next day - This is because if ALL students return their EMPTIED-OUT-(at HOME) folder by the next day (Friday) each week, the class gets extra Bingo points!

Upcoming dates to note:
Sept. 11 - Patriot Day ceremony @ 8:05am, Room Parent Coffe @ 8:35am
Sept. 12 - Room Parent training 6:30-7:30pm
Sept. 14 - Believe Kids Fundraiser opens
Sept. 15 - Box Top Collection, Spirit Wear Order Deadline
Sept. 30 - Fall Festival 4:00-7:00pm
Dates to note can be found in the Third Grade Newsletter as well.

Happy Almost Friday!
Mrs. Malley :) 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Weekly Update/Homework

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend and beautiful weather (at least some of the days)!

I wanted to share the homework for the week, as I know the agenda can take some getting used to for lots of kiddos! It can be tricky with all the lines/boxes... This week they have:

*My math class homework is due Friday. If your student has other math homework, they should have it written in their agenda from math class.

Social Studies Test
This is coming up next Friday, September 15th. I asked all students to take home their Social Studies notebooks with them today so you should see that in their bags. Take a look to see what their notes look like. You can also find the study guide at the beginning of each unit, as well as on the sidebar to the right on my blog.

Volunteers & Mystery Readers
I had several people sign up to help out in the classroom, at home, be room parents, etc. THANK YOU! If you would still like to sign up, you can find the form here. Please note that I do like to have Mystery Readers, which always seems popular with families, so even if you can't/don't want to help in other ways, you can sign up for this! I will put out a survey monkey schedule for this so anyone can sign up who wants to. I have had siblings, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc. so all are welcome!

Volunteers, I am in need of a copy helpers and Thursday Folder helpers first and foremost. I'll send an email to anyone who signed up about this so we can get that rolling. I will be in contact soon about other items (Fluency, etc.) as I get reading assessments completed and put together work for that.

As always, let me know of any questions/concerns.
Mrs. Malley :)