
Monday, March 19, 2018

Homework & Possible Snow Days

Hello All,

Here's the homework for the week!
In the event that there is a snow day(s) this week, the followig WILL still be due/happen on Friday if we are in school:
- Math Homework due
- Critter Can due
- Word Study Quiz 
- Mali Test 

*The students have all of their Mali notes completed and should have their notebook with them today. 
*If we have more than 1 snow day, my measurement math quiz will be moved.

Snow Day Work:
If there is a snow day (or two or three), please have your student work on the following:
- 1 word study activity in their notebook per day
- Study Mali notes and practice quizlet:
- Complete their Critter Can
- Do math homework
- READ!!

Homework this week: