
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Because of Winn-Dixie Movie

Hello All!

We have completed our book, Because of Winn-Dixie, and the kids LOVED it! I typically show the movie of the book after completion of this unit, and the students are very interested in seeing it. I thought this would be a good Friday reward that would also be related to what we learned in class.

Today in your student's home folder you will find a permission form for this movie.   I need your permission to show the movie because it is rated PG. If not everyone turns in a “yes” permission form, we will not watch the movie. I need all permission forms turned in regardless of your answer.

Attached to this form is a review/summary of the movie to give you some more information. There are some mature themes in the story, all of which we have discussed previously in class when reading the book. The students are aware that this story involves some deep meanings, characters, and life lessons. I also posted this review and information on my blog. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this movie!

I need all permission forms returned NO LATER than Thursday, March 2nd.

See the details about the movie below:


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Class Behavior, STEAM Day, and More!

Hello Everyone!

Class Behavior Today:
This afternoon our class had a long discussion about behavior. This was specifically brought on due to cafeteria behavior, but also other times in the classroom, hallways, specials classes, and so on. I told the students this time we would handle it at school and parents did not need to be contacted, so I won't go into details. I did want to inform you of this though, in case it came up at home this evening. I told the kids they can talk about it with you on their terms. If you have questions please let me know.

Report Cards:
Report cards went home yesterday afternoon with your child. If you did not see it, it should be in a brown envelope in their home folder. Please review the report card and return the envelope to school asap. If you feel you would like to conference with me about grades or other matters, please email me and we can set up a time. Also, just as a reminder, you may always contact me throughout the quarter to talk or conference if you have concerns - you don't need to wait until the end of the marking period! : )

Valentine's Day:
So far, I have NOT received any emails about students not being able to have the treats provided for the party. As a reminder, we will be having: grapes, apple slices, popcorn, pretzels, cherry 7-Up soda, bottles of water, and they will be decorating cookies (icing, sprinkles, etc.). There will also be whipped cream and candy hearts.

Again, if your child may NOT have any of these items, PLEASE LET ME KNOW before the party next Tuesday!

STEAM Day is coming up in TWO WEEKS! We desperately need you or people you know to help out with running the stations, setup/breakdown of activities, moving supplies, and keeping STEAM Day running smoothly! We are still looking for volunteers. PLEASE sign up at the link:

Upcoming tests/dates:
Word Study quizzes - tomorrow
Science soil test - Wednesday, 2/15
Someone Special Dance - Friday, Feb. 17th
STEAM Expo - Friday, Feb. 24th
**Field Trip (half day) coming up on MARCH 29th (NOT Feb. 29th - sorry for the mistake in my last post)


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Valentine Party

Hello All!
This coming Tuesday (Feb. 14th) we will have a Valentine's Day party in the classroom, starting after lunch. Our room parents and volunteers have put together a fun schedule for the kids!
If you would like to send in valentines with your student, please supply one for every child. We have 24 students in our class - Mrs. Bussey is emailing out the class list soon.
We also asked the students to bring in a bag or box to hold their valentines. They can decorate their bag/box at home if they choose to do so.
The snacks provided will include: grapes, apple slices, popcorn, pretzels, cherry 7-Up soda, bottles of water. They students will also be decorating cookies (icing, sprinkles, etc).
If your child may NOT have any of the listed items, please let me know!
Be looking for an email from Mrs. Bussey (if not already) about volunteers, supplies, etc. 
Thanks for making our class parties awesome! 
Just a reminder that STEAM Day is coming up on Feb. 24th during the school day! If you or someone you know would like to volunteer, please sign up! The link is:
Important Dates:
- Wednesday, Feb. 8th - Report Cards go home
- Friday, Feb. 10 - Word Study quizzes
- Tuesday, Feb. 14th - Valentine Party
- Wednesday, Feb. 15th - Science Soil test
- Friday, Feb, 17th - Someone Special dance
- Monday, Feb. 20th - No School - Presidents' Day
- Friday, Feb. 24th - STEAM Expo (in school)
**Field Trip Feb. 29th (half day) - More info coming soon!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Upcoming Dates & Things To Note

Hello All!

Clean Trash Collection
You may have noticed your child asking for "clean trash" to bring in to school. We are collecting trash for a recycling video we will be doing as a grade level, and we need lots of trash! ANY kind of trash (that is cleaned!) is fine to bring in! It does NOT need to only be recyclable items. We would like to have all our trash by Feb. 15th, so send it in as you have it!

Thursday Folders:
Several pieces of graded work are coming home today, as well as Scholastic Book magazines and the 3rd Grade Newsletter for the month. Please take a look and empty your student's folder to be returned tomorrow!

Please note a few dates coming up:

Friday, Feb. 3rd
- BYOT day in school (and headphones if you have them)
- Word Study quizzes

Feb. 9th - Shrek the Musical (5th Grade)
Feb. 10th - Someone Special Dance @ 6pm
Feb. 13th - RAK Week (Random Acts of Kindness)

Tuesday, Feb. 14th
- Our class Valentine party -- Please send in a bag or box with your student to collect their valentines!
- Jump Rope for Heart Grades 1-2

Wednesday, Feb. 15th
- Social Studies Soil test
- Jump Rope for Heart Grades 3-5

Feb. 20th - No School, Presidents' Day
Feb. 22nd - Monday Schedule (IN School only, this doesn't affect clubs)
Feb. 22nd - MY math class Fractions Test

Friday, Feb. 24th
- STEAM Expo -- This is IN school throughout the day. We are still looking for volunteers! If you're able to help out, please sign up here: