
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Class Behavior, STEAM Day, and More!

Hello Everyone!

Class Behavior Today:
This afternoon our class had a long discussion about behavior. This was specifically brought on due to cafeteria behavior, but also other times in the classroom, hallways, specials classes, and so on. I told the students this time we would handle it at school and parents did not need to be contacted, so I won't go into details. I did want to inform you of this though, in case it came up at home this evening. I told the kids they can talk about it with you on their terms. If you have questions please let me know.

Report Cards:
Report cards went home yesterday afternoon with your child. If you did not see it, it should be in a brown envelope in their home folder. Please review the report card and return the envelope to school asap. If you feel you would like to conference with me about grades or other matters, please email me and we can set up a time. Also, just as a reminder, you may always contact me throughout the quarter to talk or conference if you have concerns - you don't need to wait until the end of the marking period! : )

Valentine's Day:
So far, I have NOT received any emails about students not being able to have the treats provided for the party. As a reminder, we will be having: grapes, apple slices, popcorn, pretzels, cherry 7-Up soda, bottles of water, and they will be decorating cookies (icing, sprinkles, etc.). There will also be whipped cream and candy hearts.

Again, if your child may NOT have any of these items, PLEASE LET ME KNOW before the party next Tuesday!

STEAM Day is coming up in TWO WEEKS! We desperately need you or people you know to help out with running the stations, setup/breakdown of activities, moving supplies, and keeping STEAM Day running smoothly! We are still looking for volunteers. PLEASE sign up at the link:

Upcoming tests/dates:
Word Study quizzes - tomorrow
Science soil test - Wednesday, 2/15
Someone Special Dance - Friday, Feb. 17th
STEAM Expo - Friday, Feb. 24th
**Field Trip (half day) coming up on MARCH 29th (NOT Feb. 29th - sorry for the mistake in my last post)