
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Weekly Update - Short Week & Holiday

Hello all!

This week is a short 3 days! We will be wrapping up a few things from first quarter, as well as preparing for upcoming units of study.

Word Study:
There will be no Word Study homework or quizzes this week. However, there will be some upcoming changes to Word Study and how it is taught. Please look for a note tomorrow in your student's Thursday Folder for more information on this. I will also post it here on the blog tomorrow when that goes home.

Field Trip:
Today your student is coming home with a permission slip and chaperone form about our Zoo field trip on December 8th! Your child needs to have a permission slip returned to school no later than Nov. 18th so we can give the busses and Zoo a final count. Your student will not be permitted to come on the field trip if the permission form is not returned.

Chaperones - first come first serve! I will keep track of the papers that are returned first and notify everyone when we have fulfilled each spot. Thanks for volunteering!

Read A Thon:
Please also see a reminder paper in your student's folder today about the Read-A-Thon. They need to set up their online account at home in order to receive credit for the number of hours/time that they read! We will record when we read at school as well, so if they set it up they will definitely get the time and can win prizes and money for our books and reading program at school!

Veteran's Day:
On Friday, we will have the opportunity to meet and hear stories from several veterans! We will also hold a parade through the school and a lunch for our special visitors. We are talking about Veteran's Day in school, but please also discuss it at home with your student and share about family members or others you know who are veterans!