
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Welcome Back, This Week, Updated Dates

Hello All!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! We have a few fast-faced weeks before our longer break in December. Here's what's coming up!

Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, Nov. 30th: Science test on habitats/ecosystems.
- Friday, Dec. 2nd: Word Study resumed this week. Your student will have a quiz on Friday.
- Thursday, Dec. 8th: Field Trip to the Zoo! Remember to pack a lunch and wear warm clothes!
- Wednesday, Dec. 14th: Interims sent home.
- Thursday, Dec. 15th: Dig It performance in the gym. Begins at 8:30am!
- Friday, Dec. 16th: Teachers Makin' Tracks Movie Night (MOVED from the 9th!)

*Please remember to send in headphones with your student tomorrow if possible!
*Please also remember to return you BYOT permission slips if you have not done so already! We will not start BYOT until all are returned.

That's all for now! As always, please email me with any questions or concerns.