
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Conference Days and Upcoming Dates & Units

Hello Families!

Just a reminder, please sign up for a conference time to meet with me! I am creating my schedule for those two days (Nov. 7 & 8) and would like to have a final count/time schedule by Friday at the absolute latest.

If none of the times seem to work for you, please email me to set up a time to meet. I am happy to find a common time that works for both of us, even if it is not on those two days!

Please check your child's agenda and their Word Study notebook for homework each night. The homework is assigned on Monday and checked 2x per week (Wednesday and Friday) so your student has a few days to complete each assignment.

- Word Study quizzes this Friday
- No School for Students on Nov. 7 & 8
- Wednesday, Nov. 9th is a Monday Schedule in school
- American Education Week - Nov. 14-18
- Report Cards Sent Home - Nov. 16th
- Thanksgiving Break - Nov. 23-25
- Zoo Field Trip - December 8th. More info to come home soon!

Up Next...Quarter 2 Science and Social Studies Topics
Coming up in Social Studies and Science will be the following units (in this order):
- Habitats
- Adaptations
- Food Chains
- Geography
- Explorers

As always, contact me with any questions, concerns, or just to say hi!
Happy First Day of November (already?!)!