I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
To sum up
last week (so sorry about not posting on Friday!):
- First week of school! Woo!
- Went over expectations and rules
- Practiced working well in groups and teams
- Got to know new friends better by comparing using Venn Diagrams, and hearing All About Me bags from everyone
Pictures below: Teamwork activity. Who can build the tallest tower with ONLY index cards and tape?
THIS blog post Summary:
1. Agendas - please read and sign
2. Homework
3. Social Studies/Science Notebooks and Study Guides
4. Upcoming dates
5. Volunteering
6. Reflex / Reading AtoZ
Our class is slowly getting into the habit of writing in our agenda every day! Please be patient as your student learns to use this tool effectively. Make sure to check your child's agenda every night, and sign the bottom where it says "initials" (this will come in handy when your student starts reading books at home and wants to add them to their 40 book challenge).
Homework Tonight:
- Read 15 minutes in your Just Right Spot
- Subject/Predicate worksheet
- Math (varied by teacher!) - most classes had a fact sheet tonight
- Social Studies Government test Sept. 14th, Study today's notes
Social Studies/Science Notebooks:
Your student should have come home today with a green bound Social Studies notebook. This notebook is pre-made with all study guides and notes for our class units. I ask students to bring home this notebook
EVERY night, as we typically fill in new notes daily. This will allow
you (parents) to see the study guide every night, see the
test date on the study guide, and also study for upcoming tests on available nights throughout the week instead of cramming the night before!
Please make sure your student RETURNS this notebook to school every day, as we use it in class! I talked to them about being responsible for this today in class.
You may also see all Social Studies/Science study guides on my website
here. I also typically post the current unit's study guide and games on the side bar to the right
Upcoming Dates:
- Thursday, Sept. 8th - School lock-down drill (in school)
- Friday, Sept 9th - Patriot Day Ceremony @ 8:05
- Friday, Sept 9th - Volunteer coffee -- Room Parents, please attend!
- Monday, Sept 12th - Steelers vs. Redskins Game @ 7:10 (very important!)
- Wednesday, Sept 14th - Government Test
- Thursday, Sept. 15th - Open House night (2 sessions)
I promise I haven't forgotten you! So many people have told me that they would love to help out in the classroom, making copies, mystery reading, etc. THANK YOU! I promise I have things for you to do! On my
to-do list is "create a sign-up genius for volunteer jobs" - I am HOPING to finish it this week. More realistically, I'll have it ready by Open House night next Thursday. Thanks for understanding :)
Reflex/Reading AtoZ
I am working on creating/setting up everyone's accounts for these two online practice sites. I had some issues with Reflex and have submitted a help request. I will let you know ASAP when these are up and running for our class.
Thanks for being awesome! As always,
email me if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to send me a joke or brighten my day!
Ms. Strong