
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Assessments This Week

Hello all!

I just wanted to take a second to remind you all about the upcoming assessments this week. These will be our first "real" tests in 3rd grade! How exciting! I've received a few questions from parents about the upcoming SS Test and wanted to address these issues in case anyone else had similar questions.

Social Studies - Government Test on Wednesday, Sept. 14th
As you probably noticed by now, your student has been asked to take home their Social Studies notebook (green, bound notebook) every night to study. I ask them to do this so they can study their notes daily and over time rather than cram the night before the test.

Each unit has the study guide in front of the unit notes. There is a page in the very front of the notebook that shows page numbers (table of contents). Your student only needs to study notes we have already completed in class each night, and only for that unit. If you prefer to read ahead with them and study notes we haven't filled in yet, that is fine, but not a requirement.
So, your student's studying each night for Government might be looking like:

Monday - Rules & laws notes
Tuesday - Rules & laws notes, Levels of government notes
Wednesday - Review all notes so far
Thursday - Levels of Government notes, Democracy notes
Friday/Weekend - Review notes so far
Monday - Democracy notes, Diversity notes
Tuesday - Whole unit review
Wednesday - Test

I'm aware that studying may not happen every night due to extracurricular activities and - let's face it - just some plain old play time, TV time, or family time. This is just a suggestion about how to break up the studying so it's not too much at once.

Lastly, these notes are very useful but do not encompass or replace class instruction and activities. So, questions on tests will come from notes, but also from class discussion.

Please let me know if you have any further questions about this! I'm sure if you're thinking it, someone else is too!

Quiz on Friday - Grammar: Sentences, Nouns, Verbs
This Friday we will have a short grammar quiz on complete sentences, nouns, and verbs. This will be a short assessment about recognizing complete sentences, capitalizing in appropriate places, and recognizing nouns and verbs. This is not really something that you need to study for at home - we have been working on this all of last week and will continue this week. Also, these are all skills that 3rd graders should have learned before, so it is mostly review!

You will see some homework this week concerning nouns and verbs in a word study-like fashion. The students will NOT be graded on the spelling of these words on the quiz (though they likely know how to spell many of them). I am simply introducing different parts of word study this week to help them get used to the homework and expectations.

Again, if you have questions about this please let me know!

Lastly, an important note:
Penn State took an unfortunate loss on Saturday...

I'm putting my hope in tomorrow's game: