
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Volunteers and Updates!

Hello All! 

A few things to note this week! Please read below.

Thank you for being patient with me! I decided to create a Sign-Up Genius of positions for you to indicate what you're interested in. If you are available for a regular position, sign up and I will create a calendar to rotate people if we have many interested members. If things turn out differently and we do not have many people interested in volunteering, I will contact individuals who are interested and work out something that works for all of our schedules! 

To sign up as a volunteer, please click here!

This week:

1. Library this week: We will have library TOMORROW, Monday, due to the Scholastic Book Fair browse happening on Friday. Also, the school library will be closed for check-out NEXT week as the book fair will be set up from Monday-Friday. Your students have access to my classroom library every day, but I encourage you to visit the Gum Spring Library as well if they are in need of extra books to read! 

2.  Ellie's Hat Drive: This week we are having a hat drive and themed dress-up week to support Ellie's Hats. This charity raises awareness, funds, and hats for children with cancer. You can learn more about the organization here. If you are able/willing, please consider donating a NEW hat or making a financial donation to our drive this week! Please remind your student that they are invited to participate in the fun by wearing the following:

Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Twin/Buddy Day
Wednesday - Wear a hat
Thursday - Mismatch Day
Friday - Wear gold/yellow 

3. After School Enrichment Programs: ASEP starts this week! Please talk to your student and remind them what day/club they are going to. Teachers will have a list as well, but it helps to have the kiddos know where they are going for dismissal! Please also be sure to mark your own calendars or remind whomever is responsible for picking up your child to be there this week! 

4. School Picture Day: Picture day is coming up THIS Friday, Sept. 30th! I am sending home picture order forms with your student tomorrow. Please return this form if you would like to purchase your child's picture. If not, no need to return it. Unfortunately, our picture time slot is AFTER our lunch on Friday. I will do my best to remind students to eat carefully, but you may want to keep that in mind when choosing your student's lunch for that day! (Hint: No red sauce!!) :) 

5. Watch D.O.G.S. Meeting: will be on Thursday at 6:30pm. This is an information session for dads/father figures who would like to volunteer or be present in school! 

6. Fall Festival: Saturday, Oct. 1, from 4:00-7:00pm at Pinebrook! 

Coming Up:
- Matter test Friday, Oct. 7th (starting this unit tomorrow)
- Interims sent home on Oct. 5th
- No School on Oct. 10th
- Monday Schedule on Oct. 11th

Sadly, this was not a good week for the Steelers. I see no need to comment on any other teams... :)
Hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather this weekend!

Happy Monday!