
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Weekly Update!

Hello all!

Remember, tomorrow is our Patriot Day ceremony. Parents are welcome to join us for a short ceremony starting at 8:05am at the flag pole in front of the school. Directly after, volunteers and room parents please go to the cafeteria for a welcome coffee and information session.

I'm still working on my volunteer signup, but am currently looking for someone to come in a few times next week to help label my classroom library. You will need to scan books into my iPad app, and label them with a color dot inside. I will provide guidelines and show you what to do.

Since I'll need to introduce it to you the first time, I will need you to come in during our specials time on Monday which is not until 12:55pm. Then, you're welcome to come in other times the rest of the week on your own. I would say you could do this with a partner to help speed it up, however I only have one iPad and the app is not free, so I'm not sure how to share the work. Let me know if you're interested!

Homework Reminder:
Next Wednesday is our first Social Studies test on Government. Make sure to use your student's SS notebook and study guides to study each night!

Thursday Folders:
Please make sure to return EMPTIED OUT Thursday Folders with your student on Fridays! If they all bring them in, they earn 5 extra bingo points toward their class goal!