
Monday, September 19, 2016

Weekly Update & News

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone saw parts of the Steelers game via replays - WOOT! Great win for us! I saw some students with Steelers jerseys on today in class! Unfortunately, I couldn't watch the whole game since the Cowboys (Redskins) game was on...

- NO Science quiz on Wednesday. We are going to do a lab in class and instead of a quiz I'm just going to work with the groups and see how they go through the scientific process.
- Words this week are a syllable sort. Tonight for homework your student needs to sort their words twice, and clap out the words/syllables twice. They do not need to write them in their notebooks unless they did not finish that in class.
- Syllable words quiz will be on Friday.
- Reminder that Reflex Math is for homework 2x per week (usually Monday & Wednesday). If your student is unable to get on the computer on those nights, or does not have access to a computer at home, please let me know!

Upcoming Dates:
- Thursday, Sept. 22nd @ 6:30 - Parent BYOT Information Night
- Thursday, Sept. 29th @ 6:30 - Watch D.O.G.S. Dad's Night
Week of Sept. 25th - ASEP programs begin after school
Week of Sept. 25th - Ellie's Hats Drive
- Friday, Sept. 30th - Fall Fundraiser packets due
- Friday, Sept. 30th - School Picture Day -- Picture forms will come home in this week's Thursday Folder
- Saturday, Oct. 1st - Fall Festival starting @ 4:00
- Week of Oct. 2nd - Scholastic Book Fair at school

I have a few parents who signed up for conferences - Yay! If you have not done so, please log on to Phoenix and sign up for a conference with me for the 1st quarter! This is a great opportunity to meet with me individually and discuss grades, concerns, ask questions, etc. after the first portion of the year is completed. If you need to see how to sign up, please view my Back To School Night presentation here - the information is on slides 17-19. If you are finding it hard to make one of  of the available times, please contact me and we can figure out a meeting time.

That's all for now!
Have a great week!

Ms. Strong :)