
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Pink Forms & Homework

Hello All!

Pink Form in Thursday Folders
Today in your student's Thursday Folder there is a PINK form that needs to be completed and returned to school TOMORROW! Please fill out the form and return it. Every student needs to have a paper submitted, no matter if your answer is yes or no. Thank you!

If you're interested in volunteering for Thursday Folders, you can sign up here.

Homework over the weekend & days off
Over the weekend please make sure your student completes their homework, as they have Monday and Tuesday off! They have:

Reading Worksheet
Read a nonfiction biography and respond to the questions on the worksheet. Every student picked a biography from my library today so they should have one with them tomorrow when they come home.

Math Worksheet & Reflex Math:
I am handing out my math homework THIS Friday, to be due NEXT Friday, so the students can begin working on it rather than having to complete it in just two days next week. They can work on the Review side and Reflex math, but they may not be able to do the new content part of the homework until next week when we have our first multiplication lesson.

Enjoy the sunshine today!
Mrs. Malley