
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Important Information

Hello All!

What great weather we have been having! I hope everyone is getting some outside time!

Dates to Note:
- Oct. 6th - Science test Tomorrow
- Oct. 11th - Monday Schedule (in school only, does not apply to after-school clubs)
- Oct. 13th - My math class Addition test
- Oct. 9th - No School
- Oct. 16-20 - Bully Prevention Week & Spirit Wear
- Oct. 23rd - No School for Students

Please sign up for a conference with me here so we can meet to discuss your child's first quarter and progress. I have several dates/times available outside the student holiday dates, as well as a whole day blocked for conferences on Nov. 6th. If you are not available to meet with me at any of these times, please email me and I will work with you to find a common time.

Thursday Folders
My Thursday folder volunteers have requested that this sign-up be sent out for others to help with Thursday Folders. This is something I really would love to have filled every week so I know I can rely on someone coming. Today your student did not come home with a Thursday folder.

Fall Party
Our Fall Party will be on Friday afternoon, Oct. 27th. Our room parents are planning a fun time for the kiddos! There will be food involved, so please be watching for a permission slip to come home in the next week or two. I will need to have your student's permission slip in order for them to eat any food at the party.

 Bully Prevention Week
One of our School Counselors' initiatives is being an up-stander to bullying situations. Along with guidance lessons and classroom discussions, our counselors are hosting a Bully Prevention spirit week to raise awareness and remind students to stand up for others and encourage friendliness. The students are also encouraged to participate in a bullying prevention poster contest. They will receive a flyer about this with more information.

Bullying Prevention Poster & Spirit Week timeline:

October 13th: All poster entries must be turned in to Mrs. Ross & Mrs. Nocito’s office mailbox

Week of October 16th-20th: Posters will be displayed, and students will vote on poster entries.
The spirit week schedule will be:
- Oct 16 - Mismatch Day
- Oct 17 - Superhero Day
- Oct 18 - Inside Out Day
- Oct 19 Wear Two Different Shoes Day
- Oct 20 - Pinebrook Colors/Spirit Wear

October 20th: All votes will be tallied
October 25th: All winners will be announced on the Morning Announcements and prizes will be distributed.

The poster information/flyer can be found here as well!