
Monday, October 17, 2016


I hope everyone enjoyed a great weekend!

If possible, could you please send in your student with a pair of headphones tomorrow for class? They will be returned home at the end of the day, not remain in school. A simple pair of earbuds are fine. We have a few headphones in our classroom provided by the school, but not enough for every student.

We are experimenting with a program called Nearpod - the students get to interact with our class presentation on their own computer/devices. Because it is interactive and they can do it at their own pace, students will need headphones to hear video clips at different times than others.

We would love to use this more when we roll out "BYOT" this year! It is a great way for the kids to get their notes and other information right in front of them rather than copying from the board, and allows them to go through the pages at their own pace. I can also input questions to check their understanding and adjust teaching as we move along through the lesson.

- Wednesday, Social Studies Test (Famous Americans & Holidays)
- Friday, Word Study quizzes
- Fall Party Food Forms due back ASAP!

Please let me know if you have any questions!