
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Happy Monday! Book Fair, Walk to School, and Updates

Hello All!

Last week was busy with Ellie's Hats, picture day, evening events, and the fall festival! This week we also have a few things going on at Pinebrook!

In Class:

1. Word Study - This week will start our first week of Word Study groups. Your student will have word study homework each night - similar to what they have already had in previous weeks - and will be quizzed on Friday. The quizzes will be both sorting the words AND spelling them. Please be sure to complete the nightly homework to get in a bit of practice every day!
*Word Study Volunteers - This week I'll NOT have you come in, just since this is the first week of word study and I'd like to make sure the students know how to take the tests/what to expect, etc.

2. Science Test - is on Friday, Oct. 7th. The test is on Matter. Please see your student's notebook each night for completed notes and the study guide. You can also find the study guide on the sidebar to the right ---->

3. Interims - will be sent home this Wednesday.

4. Volunteers - Thanks for signing up! We still have room for lots of mystery readers! The kiddos really love having their parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc. surprise them for reading time! I will work with you to set up a time that works with both of our schedules. Also, I would love for a few Fluency helpers! Even if you can't come every Monday/Friday, we could work out a rotation or schedule with a few parents.
*I'll be emailing volunteers this week in the groups of things you signed up for. If you'd like to go ahead and contact other parents you see listed to work out a schedule or rotation, feel free!

Pinebrook News/Dates:

1. Scholastic Book Fair - will be open throughout the week. You're welcome to send in money for your student, or come shopping with them at the Family Book Fair night on Tuesday, Oct. 4th. Parents are also welcome to stop by and go book shopping during the school day. If you send in money with your student, please put the money in an envelope with their name on it and, if possible, the names of the books or items they are allowed to buy. There are no returns allowed at the book fair, so whatever they purchase is final.

2. Walk to School Day - is this Wednesday, Oct. 5th

Other Dates to note:

Monday, Oct. 10th - No School, Columbus Day
Tuesday, Oct. 11th - MONDAY schedule during school, "normal" Tuesday AFTER school (ie: Clubs)
Monday, Oct. 17th - PTA Meeting @ 6:30pm

This Steeler game is looking good! Sadly, I might have to miss the ending since it's getting late...

I hope everyone had a great weekend! 
Happy Monday!