
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Homework This Week & Upcoming Dates

Hello All!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! The weather was great - I hope you got outside!

A few notes about word study this week:

Word Study
Since we have a shortened week, we will not have our normal word study quiz this Friday. The kiddos got new words today, but the quiz will be NEXT Friday, Oct. 21st.

Homework for each night was written in their notebooks today:
Tuesday - ABC Order (all words)
Wednesday - Rainbow Words (10 words) - write each word in different colors, or each letter in different colors
Thursday - Your Choice of: Write out your sort, Speed Sort 5x (write times in NB), or Sentences (10).

Next week we will continue with the SAME words. Please let me know if you have questions.

Social Studies
From the looks of our last test (Science - Matter) everyone did very well! Yay!
We are now back into Social Studies. Our unit is Famous Americans and Holidays. As always, the study guide is available in the students' notebooks, and also is available here on my blog on the sidebar. The test will be Wednesday, Oct. 19th (this is a relatively short unit).

Since we did not have school Monday, and I asked everyone to try to get on Reflex over the weekend, today should be a "normal" Tuesday homework day. Remember, even if your student can not get on Reflex Math on Mondays & Wednesdays, please do get on 2x per week on other days - let your teacher know if this is a problem!

Veteran's Day
We have Veteran's Day coming up on Nov. 11th! Please see Mr. Theissen's Pinebrook Message for more details about our celebration that day. If you know any past or current military members, please let them know and ask if they would be interested in attending or speaking to a class!

Class Party
Our Fall party for the class is being planned by our amazing room parents! It will be on Friday, Oct. 28th in the afternoon. Please let them know if you would like to help organize, purchase items, or volunteer on the day of! All parents, please be on the look out for a list coming home from the room parents about food that will be served that day. We need your "OK" for your student to eat these items at our party!

Enjoy the rest of your week and this GORGEOUS weather!
Image result for sunshine
Ms. Strong :)