
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Weekly Update and Information

Hello all!

You should have seen today in your child's Thursday Folder their envelope of school pictures! If you are purchasing pictures, please see the information inside concerning how to pay. If you are NOT keeping the pictures, please RETURN THEM TO SCHOOL.

Fall Party Food Permission
I have received almost all permission slips for the food at our fall party - yay! If you have not yet turned this in, please do! Otherwise, your child will not be permitted to eat any of the snacks provided. Please make sure to sign up on the Sign-Up Genius that our room parents sent out today if you would like to help with the party! It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!

Upcoming dates
Tomorrow - Word Study Quiz
Friday, Oct. 28th - Science Test in the AM, Fall Party in the PM!
Monday, Oct. 31st - Halloween!
Nov. 7 & 8 - Conference Days, No School for students
Nov. 11th - Veteran's Day celebration at Pinebrook
Nov. 23rd - 25th - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 8th - Field Trip! - More information coming soon