
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Important Disucssion

Hello Families,

I wanted to let you know about a conversation that happened in school today. Throughout the school - particularly in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades - there has been a lot of talk about the "clown issues" happening in various areas. The students have been very scared and concerned about these stories, and some started saying that they heard the clowns were coming for Pinebook, Mercer, John Champe, etc. Many students have mentioned they were afraid at recess because the woods/trees are there and that there might be clowns that come out of the trees and get them... and so on.

Mr. Thiessen had a grade-level conversation with each of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades (separately) today to address this concern and growing rumor amongst the students. He emphasized that students are very safe at school, and that if they feel unsafe or see something they are uncomfortable with to tell an adult immediately. He also asked that the 3rd-5th graders act as leaders if they hear other students, especially younger grades, talking about this. We want to ensure that facts are shared as much as possible, rather than rumors or stories that encourage fear. At the meeting, Mr. Thiessen assured the classes that thus far there is no reason for them to feel unsafe, and reminded everyone about the possible confusion or rumors that can be heard online, in the news, and so on.

After the whole-group meeting, we came back to our room and shared some of the fears the students had. Many were sharing things that, typically, kids their age are afraid of - being in the dark alone, something jumping out at them, etc. (ie: things that are normally seen in movies or other scary stories). Several also mentioned being a bit afraid to go out for Trick-or-Treating on Halloween this year. We discussed how these things, while scary and possible, are very rarely going to happen, and that we take many precautions here at school to keep them safe.

Many students left today letting me know they felt better about this issue, but many also said they did not feel any less worried. Please make sure to discuss this at home if your student brings it up.

I wanted to keep you informed in case you heard anything about this tonight! If you have any questions or concerns about this, please feel free to email me.

Thanks for your continued support! (And, sorry for such a long message) 
Ms. Strong :)